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One More Treatment

Brody has done fantastic with his treatments. No side effects through 5 of them.  Today  was an interesting treatment day as when it was time to go back he crawled against the wall and through the bottom of a gurney down the hallway.  We laughed and I coaxed him through the double doors.  When I picked him up as usual he pulled his Vet down the hallway. I was then told as soon as the doors closed he laid down and they had to use gurney to take him rest of the way.  Gotta love Trazodone.
He hasn’t had any issues except on very smooth floors.  He actually runs beside his boy who is riding a dirt bike.
Last X-rays showed no signs of metastasis.  So we are celebrating.
The only problem I see is his people have been bad about keeping him in check with his training and he is back to some old bad habits.  But he deserve and little freedom.
His sarcoma Buddy Michelle needs some positive vibes as she has progressed as well as Brody.  She and I talked and believe the human brain is hindering her recovery.  She wants to be more like Brody and just live life.  We plan a visit next week to lift her spirits.
One more treatment them we see what’s next!

Brody’s buddy Michelle update

Michelle is doing well should be moved out of ICU tonight.  She will have a second surgery Monday or Tuesday.  She is very tired but that’s expected. She needs some of Brody’s energy.  If only we could send her some.
I did talk to Michelle’s Husband yesterday to let him know of our decision with Brody and asked him to let her know.  He sent words of support and assured me I made a good decision.   Michelle has been going through chemo for years and she was who I went to for advice when Brody was diagnosed.
Keep Michelle in your thoughts and prayers she has been through so much!

Decision for more time

Brody had his re-check today.  Incision looks great. Unfortunately  with the path report we had to make a decision today of more time or just palliative care.  Brody is almost 4 and very happy and active with being a Tripaw. Osteosarcoma is as you most know aggressive and will usually metastasize.  After discussing our options and due to his good health otherwise Brody is having his first chemotherapy today.  Ohio State Veterinary Oncology is very busy so we started ASAP. Tears are many as I realize his time is limited but he has more life to live.  Right or wrong we are in this Journey together.  I may need help with side affects but let’s hope not.  I’ve been through this decision before with my husband and he had 2 extra years with his daughters.  Thanks for the support here.  💛💛🦮

Sarcoma Buddies

It’s been a busy week for Brody. He has been healing great and seems to move well. We have had to remove his play yard area because he was able to climb out so more dangerous to keep him confined.
My friend Michelle came to meet Brody this week, she has sarcoma and will have amputation on Tuesday. She was amazed by his mobility and said it made her feel like everything will be ok. Her daughter said he did more for her than we could know. She feels a bond and has ask us to ban Brody to visit her as soon as she can handle a visit. I had tears of joy seeing them together.

Brody’s Journey is brought to you by Tripawds.